The ramp up for our Fall Fund Drive starts in mid-October and the drive itself will be in and through the month of November.  It's coming soon so we're preparing for it, with our various emails, bulletins and messages to go to our viewers, hosts and guests, including you. 

We rely heavily on our fund drives to pay the bills.  Regrettably, our last two fund drives were not as successful as we had hoped, and so this time we're working hard to address what we can do to make this one more successful.

Will you join us?  Just as we are working hard to produce all our 30 weekly talk shows (which is an effort all in itself) and to prepare for our fund drive this fall, we hope you are thinking about what you can do to help us, to keep us on the air, to enable our staff and citizen journalists to do what they do.

It doesn't happen by itself.  We have expenses every day, for staff, space, equipment, streaming and software subscriptions, and many other critical expenses, and we have to raise funds sufficient to cover them.  We hope you watch and learn from our work, and also appreciate the need to support us. 

We know how much loss, grief and damage the Maui wildfires have created for Maui and for Hawaii in general, and how much and how long it will take to recover and rebuild all that has been lost.  We know this will take huge amounts of money, and ongoing attention, care and concern by everyone.

But that does not diminish the need for ThinkTech to raise funds to stay on the air.  We see ourselves as part of the effort for recovery.  We have done and are doing and will do a number of shows about the considerations and elements of the recovery, and the steps we all need to take to make it happen.

So we see ourselves as media that not only reports what has happened, and the tragedies that are still emerging, but as media that examines the causes of what has happened, the planning and execution of the recovery and, of course, what we have learned and must learn to address future such catastrophes.

Please plan to join us in our efforts and please also plan to support us as we continue to cover these troubling issues and events.  Just as we freely contribute our coverage to the community about these things, we hope the community will support and contribute to the continuation of our efforts.

Thanks so much for that.  Please keep us in mind for the fall fund drive that is so important to us.

ThinkTech, caring about Hawaii.


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