After our blog two weeks ago, we went out looking for video editors.  In a few days time we were able to populate a workable bullpen to help us improve and turn around our talk shows quickly.  They are in Indonesia, Pakistan and Liliha.  We are delighted we could find qualified editors so quickly.

There are tons of qualified, enthusiastic editors around the world, especially in Asia, India and Central Asia.  We didn't find one in the Philippines, but we hope to do that in the future.  We are pleased that we found one in Hawaii, and wish there were more.  We'll continue to look for more local editors.

Our expectations are demanding.  We pay per video and we ask our editors to do their editing and return their work within 24 hours.  That's the only way it would work, given our demanding airdate schedule.

It's all online, of course.  We assign the video to them by file transfer.  They return their work to us by file transfer.  When we approve their work we tell them they can bill us for it online, and then we pay them online.  So far this system is working well and meeting our expectations.

We have to give them specifications to follow and we've automated those, too.  When we assign the raw footage to them we give them a variety of workflow points and specifications, and when we receive and review their work we may give them other advice and points to correct.  

Want to be a ThinkTech video editor?  Do you know anyone who does, wherever they are?  Applicants have to be well-skilled in DaVinci Resolve, our chosen editing software, and they have to be able to work well and quickly and get back to us within a day.  Apply to michael@thinktechhawaii.com.

ThinkTech, going global but staying local


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