Our website developer is working on it right now. He is adding two special search WordPress plugins to our site. These will enable search fields with enhanced power and speed, including text fields, list fields and a date range field. Using these fields will enable users to quickly find and view everything among our thousands of videos.
The value is not only in the power and speed of the advanced search technology; it is in the data itself, that is, the fact that we have these many thousands of talk shows on YouTube and on thinktechhawaii.com (on our website and smartphone apps) that will all be instantly available through this enhanced search.
It is a key that will unlock that data, that will allow users to view and learn from shows and discussions they would not otherwise be able to find, information and historic events they would not otherwise be able to review, and the comments and views of people they would not otherwise be able to consider.
We think it will make our content all the more helpful in understanding what has happened in the public conversation over the past ten years. It's more than just nostalgia, although it certainly includes that; it's a connector, an integration of past and present, giving us an historic ramp-up to what is happening now.
And in that we believe it will have great and unique value to anyone who uses it.
ThinkTech, Revealing the Context, and soon
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