ChatGPT is such a big deal these days, so I thought I’d try it.  Here are my first efforts.

I gave it these instructions, and this is what it came up with. 

My wife and I are considering buying some new furniture, so I asked chatGPT to tell me why that might be a good idea:

"why should we get two new chairs and a couch"

There could be a variety of reasons to get two new chairs and a couch:

  1. Comfort: If your current furniture is old and uncomfortable, new chairs and a couch could provide better support and comfort for your daily activities.
  2. Style: Updating your furniture can give your living space a fresh new look and feel, matching your personal style and home decor.
  3. Functionality: New chairs and a couch could better meet your needs, with features such as adjustable recliners or extra storage.
  4. Wear and Tear: If your current furniture is showing signs of wear and tear, such as sagging or ripped upholstery, it may be time for a replacement.
  5. Health: New furniture can also benefit your health by reducing exposure to allergens and improving indoor air quality.
  6. Increased Space: If your current furniture takes up too much space, new chairs and a couch could be designed to fit more efficiently in your living area.

Then I asked it why it might NOT be a good idea:

"why should we not get two new chairs and a couch"

There are several reasons why you might not want to get two new chairs and a couch:

  1. Cost: New furniture can be expensive, and you may not have the budget for it or may want to save money for other expenses.
  2. Environmental impact: Manufacturing new furniture has an environmental impact, including the use of resources and energy.
  3. Lack of use: If you don't use your living space frequently, there may not be a need to replace your current chairs and couch.
  4. Sentimental value: Your current chairs and couch may hold sentimental value and you may not want to part with them.
  5. Eco-friendliness: Replacing your furniture with new pieces can lead to waste, which is not eco-friendly. Instead, you could consider repairing or repurposing your current chairs and couch.
  6. Sustainability: New furniture may not be built to last as long as older pieces, meaning that you'll have to replace it again in the near future, which is not sustainable.

All instantaneous.  What a trip! This is just the very beginning.  My head is spinning with all the ways we could use this AI generative tool on ThinkTech, and everything else.  Stay tuned for more.

You can try it, too.  What fun.  What a time-saver.  Just sign up on

P.S.  So advised, we're probably NOT going to get the furniture.

ThinkTech, Always Open for New Ideas



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