If you hadn't noticed, over the past few months we've made lots of changes and improvements on the front end of what we do, i.e., our talk show videos, our website, our advisories and our social media platforms. And there are also a lot of changes and improvements you don't see, where we are always working to improve our ThinkTech back office.

We've added a Playlist Production Monitor to our website,, so you can see the streaming status of our playlist at any given moment. We've also updated the synchronization of the calendar listings on our website to be better synched to our new Google Airdate Schedule calendar. This should help you find our videos when they are first aired. And we've added a splash screen when you visit the website so you can subscribe as a friend, if you haven't already done so.

We've also been working on our newsletters and advisories.  We've added a Movie of the Week and Brain Food link to our ThinkTech Weekly, an Opera Popup link to our Saturday ThinkTech Daily, and a News of the Day feature to all daily advisories.  We're adding a coming attractions listing of the shows that will be played on Olelo 54.  We've organized a monthly election of our Distinguished Guest and we've been creating a congratulatory video about the successful candidate.  We have a monthly survey on current issues and events, and we circulate the results to our viewers so you can see how people feel about these issues and events.

We also have our ThinkTech Hosts website and our Stories of ThinkTech blog (where this is posted) to keep our hosts, guests and viewers informed.  We've improved and expanded our ThinkTech Photo Library in the thought that it may help our hosts find relevant photos and graphics for their shows.  And, as we've announced before, we've adopted a Live to Playlist (LTP) system which has helped us improve the production values for our shows.  We're also adding a 

takeaway screen before our talk shows begin, so you'll have an idea of what will be discussed in that show.

We've been working hard to make the content in our entr'acte between shows more interesting and provocative for you, and we're posting more of our content on our social media sites to improve our contribution to the community.

And we're always improving our back end too.  We've set up internal content review systems so we can give good feedback to our hosts and help them improve their shows.  We're working on a new ThinkTech Hawaii logo.  We're working on a number of changes to our database system, including show location analytics, with a world map coming soon.  We're working on a number of improvements to our fund drive coming this fall.  We've improved the search functions for our talk show database and we've programmed functions that will help us improve the show information we get for those shows.  We've put our Engineering Manual on our database app and made it completely searchable, and we'll be doing the same for our Host Bulletins.

Wow.  If you think that's a lot, it is.  And what til you see what we have in mind going forward.

ThinkTech, continually innovating.


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