ThinkTech wants to connect hosts and guests from around the world, every continent, every country, every city and town.  Since our regular production hours are generally 10:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday, if a host wants to do a talk show with someone in a place outside these hours, we need to make special arrangements.

There is a solution: hosts can produce shows themselves, too.  They can sign up for the free version of Zoom, which allows them to do a Zoom show up to 40-minutes long.  Using Zoom, they can record that show onto the cloud and send us the link.  We can then edit the resulting footage into a show that can be uploaded and streamed on our playlist.

This is something we have covered in our Host Bulletin, so our ThinkTech hosts presumably know about it.  So, if a host wants to do a show outside of our regular broadcast hours, that is entirely possible.  We’ll step the host through the techniques, and we can use the Zoom footage thus created just as if it had been produced by our engineers.

If you’re involved in a show that includes someone in a faraway place, maybe this can help you, too.

ThinkTech.  Everywhere.


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