We've been working on the Filemaker Claris software routines and scripts that will allow Hayley, our Production Manager, to automatically post and schedule our talk show events not only on our Google Production Calendar, as has been the case in the past, but also to our new LTP Google Airdate Calendar.

As we described in our Special Bulletin on the subject, the air dates will now presumptively be on the next day after the production dates; for example, if the show is produced on a Monday, the air date will be the Tuesday immediately following, at the same time.  With the help of our coding expert, we've been able to write the routines necessary to handle these changes, and our LTP system is ready for primetime.  

The email messages to hosts and guests will go out, as before, asking them for the show information about their shows, advising them of the production details and dates for their shows, and sending them the Zoom links in advance of their shows. These pre-show messages will also advise them of the specific air dates and times at which their shows will be aired.

Now that these and other transitional arrangements are complete, we will move to the new LTP system on Monday, July 18th.  This system will, of course, provide us with better production values, including better video, audio, handling, and starting times.  Stand by for these important improvements at ThinkTech.


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