One of the most challenging things for ThinkTech is to shape you up and frame you right, and get good video and sound from all our hosts and guests on your talk shows and on all of our talk shows, now and later. 

This does require your attention and our collaboration on a number of important points, including the quality and configuration of your hardware, the settings on your operating system and Zoom software, and the way you sit and handle yourself during the show. It’s a juggling act for you, and us, with a number of balls in the air. 

Setting things up the right way at the outset is not enough - you have to follow the tips and tricks we give you throughout the show. Adapting to the room light and background noise at the outset may not be enough either - you have to adapt to changes in those things to maintain production values consistently through the show.

Our engineering staff will step you through things orally in the time before the show goes on the air to get the best results in sight and sound. Since there is a list of important tips and tricks points they want to have you follow and remember for this show (which should also be of use to you for other shows and Zoom experiences), we thought we’d also make a visual checklist to help you.

Our staff will play a video of the written checklist for you to watch before your show. You can also go to our website and see that list before, during or after you prepare for your show. And we play a short version of the list to remind you and all our hosts and guests about these things in the entr’acte between our shows. You can hardly miss our lists.  Repetition, of course, is the mother of study. 

We hope this checklist approach will be helpful for you to get ready for your shows, and give us the best videos with the highest production values. After all, although it may not occur to you in the moment, the videos of your shows will remain on demand for a long time, months and years after the show is streamed live, so we want to memorialize your conversations in the best way possible. 

These checklists will help you, and us, do that.   Thanks for your kokua in reading and using them.


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