ThinkTech has been accumulating photos and graphics for more than 10 years and you can imagine how many we have is our collection.  That said, it has become harder and harder to find a given photo or graphic when we need it again.

After reviewing a dozen candidates, we found a digital asset management app that will help us organize our photos and graphics, store them on the cloud and find them instantaneously.  It is called Dash, and it will be a great help to us.

This app lets any member of our staff upload any photo or graphic worth keeping from any machine, assign keywords to it, and then allow any member of our staff to search, find and download that content to any machine.

This will save our staff an enormous amount of time and energy.  More and more, ThinkTech is software centric.  More and more, we look for and find cutting edge software that will leverage our efforts, and this is a good example.

If you are interested in knowing more about Dash, you can check it out at https://www.builtbybright.com/dash/

Every Day Better,

ThinkTech Hawaii


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