REVAMPING OUR SITE Given our new production workflow (see last week’s ThinkTech Story), and our increased focus on publication dates for disseminating, archiving and retrieving our videos, we’ve revamped our website. More specifically, we have added a section on the home page called Latest Productions (most recently published). These are our most recent shows, ordered by their publication dates (that is, the dates they are uploaded and published on our YouTube.com channel ( YouTube.com/thinktechhawaii ). We’ve also created a separate page with this section by itself. See the top level menu to get there. And we’ve put a short form of this section on the right side of most other pages of the site, so you can easily find. play and replay them at your convenience. And we have added a section on the home page called Most Popular (most recent top five and staff pick). There are our current Top Five and Staff Pick talk show videos, ordered by the view...