IT'S NOT EASY EVALUATING A TALK SHOW ThinkTech is always looking to improve production values for its talk shows. We want to make our hosts look and sound great, and we and our editors work hard at that. We review our shows in Content Committee meetings every two weeks. We rate the shows numerically and subjectively to get a handle on whether they meet production standards, and we often write or call hosts to let them know how they are doing and how they can improve their shows. But there's something else, too. It's the track of the show, beginning with the choice of the subject and the selection of the title and tagline for the show, and then writing up the descriptions on what they will want to talk about, the takeaway they hope to give their viewers, and the keywords they will post to make it easier for people to find their shows. There is, of course, the track, i.e., the logical progression of the show. We want them to think about that before and ...