MOVING UP ON OUR ENTR’ACTE Have you checked out our entr’acte? We broadcast our entr’acte between the talk shows we stream on our Live to Playlist system, and it is on a special LTP playlist that plays through every day and night. Wondering what an entr’acte is? It’s French, Entr'acte (or entracte , or German: Zwischenspiel or Zwischenakt , or Italian: intermezzo , or Spanish: intermedio, intervalo or sainete ) means "between the acts". A pause between two parts of a production, synonymous to an intermission , and often includes music performed between the acts of a production to bridge the dramatic action and make a transition from one act to the next. For ThinkTech, the entr’acte fills the gap between talk shows and it can therefore be up to 30 minutes long. It includes public service announcements, commentaries, break music and a potpourri of selected clips. If you have any ideas for commentaries or or othe...