HAWAII'S FOOD FUTURE No one can say that we are prepared for a supply line food shortage here. If the supply line fails or slows, we are all in deep kim chee, and I don't mean pickled cabbage. More like we are all going to get very hungry. Pretty much all our food is from the mainland, and has to be shipped in. If you think about it this is actually pretty scary. That's why we've been talking about diversified agriculture for so many years, but sorry we've done little or nothing to actually do something about it. The great plantations of yesteryear, which could have been the foundation of a huge diversified agricultural industry, lie fallow, many of them in land bank status waiting for housing developments, condos of courses. They will make much more money per acre. Sad that the owners of the plantations have given up and really don't do anything to diversify. Everyone knows that the cost of farmland is too expensive for small farms and di...