A DIVERSITY OF SHOWS We need to keep you current on our talk shows and report about new ones, and here are a few: (1) Telehealth in Hawaii with host Vikram Acharya of at 10 am on alternate Tuesdays; (2) Perspectives on Energy with host Guillermo Sabatier of HSI-Energy at 1 pm on alternate Thursdays; (3) Thinking it Through with host Michael Sukhov of at 4 pm on alternate Tuesdays; (4) Money Talks with host Chanda Park of World System Builder at 5 pm on alternate Mondays. To say nothing of our webinars for community organizations and on national and international issues and events, the most recent of which is Burning Global Issues, What Happens without Democracy, at 10 am on Friday April 1st. Meanwhile, we do stream 30 talk shows every week, and we have more than 50 talk shows in all, some weekly, some biweekly, ranging from Tech to Energy to Lifestyle to International to ThinkTech Prime, and they keep on going. Be enriched today. Take a look at at our diversity of shows on ...