YOU LIKE NOSTALGIA? WE HAVE NOSTALGIA FOR YOU. It’s really a trip to see talk shows from from the past. ThinkTech has well over 12,000 talks shows on YouTube, and some of them date back several years. These are so interesting that we’ve created a “Golden Oldies” playlist to give you a piece of nostalgia, to take you back to times, issues and events you had forgotten about with hosts, guests and subjects you don’t necessarily recall. Covid somehow makes these Gold Oldies all the more poignant. We think about, and we miss, the good old days, the “normal” days, so it’s always touching to take a look at how things worked in our world just a few years ago. So check out the Golden Oldies we have curated for you. Here’s the link to that playlist on YouTube , and here’s the link to our menu item on . Take a walk down memory lane, recall, for better or worse, the connections of our community in the days...
Showing posts from January, 2022
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A NEW DISCOVERY IN PHOTO MANAGEMENT ThinkTech has been accumulating photos and graphics for more than 10 years and you can imagine how many we have is our collection. That said, it has become harder and harder to find a given photo or graphic when we need it again. After reviewing a dozen candidates, we found a digital asset management app that will help us organize our photos and graphics, store them on the cloud and find them instantaneously. It is called Dash, and it will be a great help to us. This app lets any member of our staff upload any photo or graphic worth keeping from any machine, assign keywords to it, and then allow any member of our staff to search, find and download that content to any machine. This will save our staff an enormous amount of time and energy. More and more, ThinkTech is software centric. More and more, we look for and find cutting edge software that will leverage our efforts, and this is a good example. If you are intere...
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BURNING ISSUES 2022 ThinkTech is presenting a one-hour Zoom Supershow panel program at 9:00-10:00 am on Tuesday, February 1st. It's called Burning Issues 2022 and will start off with an interactive panel discussion of the following national issues: Voting and Democracy Insurrection Committee Biden’s Social Legislation American Foreign Policy Economy and Inflation Covid and its Impacts Former Governor John Waihee will be on the panel, joined by Hawaii attorney Louise Ing and New York covid expert Roopmati Khandekar, among others. ThinkTech host Tim Apicella will moderate. There is so much media noise and confusion about what is going on here in this third year of covid. This panel will examine and compare notes on the status and priority of these issues, the threat each of them poses to the country, their interaction, and the attention and effort they will require from the government and from us. This program will clarify the noise and help us connect the dots, past, prese...
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ANIMATION IS ALL THE RAGE In our ongoing efforts to stay out in front with video streaming technology, ThinkTech has added animation to its video offerings So in addition to the assorted formats we use in our customary video and audio content, we are now also creating short clips and announcements with animation. After studying a variety of the animation programs on the market, we’ve settled on , which provides an intuitive workspace and a robust library of backgrounds, characters, text, effects, actions and sounds, all in all a very powerful animation program. With it we can make clips and announcement to play during our entr’acte (the time between our shows) and on our overnight stream. Take a look, and if you have comments or suggestions about our animations or what we can cover with them, please let us know at .