
Showing posts from November, 2022
JUST ANOTHER WAY TO WATCH THINKTECH Smart TVs, including Samsung, give you still another way to watch YouTube and thus ThinkTech.   Try it on your smart TV and you will see.     It’s not just access to YouTube, it’s smart access to YouTube, and that means a world of YouTube content organized in a way that reflects and responds to your viewing history and tastes.   And it’s easy to use and find and watch.   It often knows what you want to watch before you do. That on top of the fact that YouTube is growing logarithmically every day.   A huge amount of new and better content all the time.   Anything you could want to see, and it’s all right there for you.   In many ways, better than regular network or cable TV.   I thought it was just me, but other people are telling me they are caught up in it too. And you can easily include ThinkTech Hawaii in your smart TV profile, so that when you go onto the YouTube section of your smart TV, ThinkTech come...
SURE YOU SHOULD ATTEND OUR AWARDS CEREMONY It’s coming soon, December 8th.   It’s a webinar 6:00-7:00pm.   Here’s the link to register: Register and you’ll see our Year in Review, our Oli Aloha with Keli’i Akina, and then a keynote by our great friend Suzanne Puanani Vares-Lum, President of the East-West Center, telling us about development at the East-West Center and foreign policy in the Pacific Region. And of course, this will be followed by our 2022 Award Ceremony.   We’ll be presenting three Community Service Awards, one to CompuGirls of Hawaii (represented by Executive Director Whitney Aragaki), one to Project Expedite Justice (represented by CEO Cynthia Tai), and one to Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald of the Hawaii Supreme Court. Then we‘ll present our ThinkTech Family Awards, the first for Show of the Year to "Nation of Immigrants" hosted by Chang Wang, and two Host of the Year awards, one to Christ...
TWITTER, A CASUALTY OF MUSK Up till now ThinkTech has been on Twitter .   It was pretty much going in the right direction particularly when it barred Donald Trump.   But Elon Musk's frenetic purchase of Twitter and what he has done since then has changed all that. What Musk has done even in the past few days give us great concern.   He’s permitted outrageous lies and conspiracy theories on Twitter, pulled moderation systems, and has himself tweeted hateful lies, appalling conspiracy theories and calls for violence, motivated by a bizarre schadenfreude against Paul Pelosi, misinforming and spreading hate among millions of Americans, and encouraging others to do the same. On a number of occasions, Musk has said he will permit Trump back on Twitter, which will undoubtedly enhance these lies and hate and dog whistles for violence, just as in the past, or worse.   This is all too much.   Only days after Musk closed, and only days before the 2022 midterm elections,Twi...